JNR #121 "The Ernie Regeneration Episode"
12 August 2008
45mins 25secs

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- http://philglanville.com
Tell Erin not to worry, I live with my brother who is a self-hating gay, who has a serious distaste for all of those who (as he categorizes it) "fart glitter".
Being one of those Salt Lake gays myself, let me say Erin needn't worry about sounding rude. I would have felt the same way in her situation, even though the offending party was of "my kind." Were they really drunk? Because gays who are a little flamboyant (prancy, perhaps?) normally tend to be totally irritatingly flaming when they're drunk.
I will say, though, that I have been in plenty of uncomfortable public situations with pushy, drunk, straight men who can't stop talking about pussy at the top of their lungs.
Hope that helps/makes sense. Love the podcast, kids!
Thanks, Delal. I've forwarded your comment to Erin.
"Farting Glitter." That could be the title for a future show. Ha ha! ;)
Thanks for your response, Josh. I am in complete agreement with you that straight people can be just as annoying (even moreso) than "super fabulous" people.
I have forwarded your comment to Erin. =)
Hey Jake and Erin. First off...LOVE the show. Second, I totally agree with Erin. I am a gay myself and I would have been totally embarrassed to be seen with that guy. I hate being around people that draw too much attention. Maybe I'm just a self-hating gay (although I don't think so), but come on. There is no reason to prance around acting like a big ole nelly queen in public. There is a time and a place, and that's not it. And he dumped all the shit out of that girl's purse. I would have taken it and beat him with it.
Anyway, Erin did not come across as a gay hater.
Keep up the great work!
~Trevor :)
Thanks, Trev. I have passed along your comment to Erin. She will be relieved to know that she wasn't being offensive.
- Jake =)
I'm a wee bit of a flamer myself, but I totally agree with Erin. When I'm around people I know who are comfortable with me "fagging out," I can whip out the Donna Summer impersonation and rock the hizzouse. When I'm not around people I know intimately, I act like a normal human being... as much as I can.
I've used the line, "I get it! You're proud to be gay! Now peel yourself off the ceiling and act like a civilised human with more than eight chromosomes!" I think it's perfectly okay and non-homophobic to ask over-the-top flamers to calm down. They don't usually need to fly around the room and barf rainbows for you to know they're gay.
Thanks, Reed! I've passed along your comment to Erin. Cheers! =)
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