JNR #100 - 2 Years in the Making

Very Special Thanks To:
Chad from http://OregonChad.com
Paul from http://myworld.q2u.net
CJ and Louise Jarvis
Rob and Leyda Cordova
Cayenne from http://TekDiff.com
George Smith of Ecclectic Podcast
Rev. Reed from Two Smoking Hot Free Thinkers
Grammar Girl from http://qdnow.com
Paul, Judy, and Amy from http://TotalPodcastrophe.com
And of course, YOU, the listener. =)
(It's Two Smokin' Hot Freethinkers. No g in smokin' and freethinkers is one word.)
Way to go! 100th episode! Woooooooo!!!!!
Highlight of the episode: ♫All by myyyyyseeeeeeelf!♪
And you're fuckin' welcome!
Good show! It does seem pretty crazy that you're now into the triple digits! Good going! Woo Hoo! Thanks for the props! Hehe! Your sentiments brought a bigger smile to my face.
Lots of LOVE!!!
Congrats on your 100th guys! I just started listening (even started from the beginning, can you believe it?!?!) and ya'll are just so much fun! Much love!
Rev Reed- Thanks for the clarification! Glad you enjoyed the show. =)
CJ, as always, thank you for being so great! You are an inspiration to JNR! Glad you enjoyed episode 100. There will be many more to come, and hopefully, more of YOU on the shows. =)
Meredith, WOW!! Thank you for listening to the show. You're starting from episode #1? Holy crapola!! I hope we keep you entertained through episode 100 and beyond. Ha ha. =D Thanks for listening!!
By the way, just so you all know, Erin and I will be back next Monday. The past few weeks have kept me and CJ busy painting our house and getting it ready for the market. ::Phew!:: It's a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it! By the way, if anyone is interested in a perfect starter home in East Murray, let me know. ;)
Thanks for listening!!!
Ha ha! Yeah, I like to get the back story of a podcast before I hear the latest stuff. The hot sauce episode had me laughing in the office that I share with my boss...CJ's moaning had to be explained cause he thought it was porn!! HA HA!And here I was worried that you might have given up the good life of podcasting for good. *snicker* Good luck with the reno's! Are you going to post pics of the place when you are done? Looking forward to the next episode. Cheers from Canada!
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