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Come back often!
- Jake =)
1 comment:
Hey Jake,
Thank you for the podcast. I can't explain why I can listen to you. I find a lot of other podcasts annoying. You, however, are very listenable. Maybe you should run for some sort of political office. Anyway, let's get to the point. I used to think that your "affirmations" and listener flattery were pretty cheesy. Then I paid attention to how people talk to each other. Whether it's the news, online, face to face, there isn't enough appreciation. In fact, people are downright rude to each other. So thanks for all that you do. You have a great podcast and I'm sure you're a wonderful person. Thanks Mike
posted by: Mike Scott on Tue, 4/24 10:23 AM EDT
Wow! Thank you so much for your comment, Mike. I'm glad you enjoy the show. =) I agree with you 100% about your thoughts on people being rude to each other. It's crazy that it happens so often, because we are all capable of kindness and altruism. Thanks again for writing.
posted by: Jake on Tue, 4/24 11:02 AM EDT
I'm still laughing...oh and how did you get your teeth so pearly white? And those blue eyes...
your internet girlfriend
posted by: Karen on Tue, 4/24 04:30 PM EDT
I'm laughing too! Ha ha ha ha!! I get my teeth so white with paint. It's the whitest way to go. The same goes for the eyes. In real life, they are brown, but after a coat of paint, everything sparkles!
Thanks for the audio, Internet Girlfriend Karen!
posted by: Jake on Tue, 4/24 06:27 PM EDT
Why would I want to follow you on twitter.com?
still waitin for that invite to be on just not right...nudge nudge
posted by: Josh Miller on Wed, 4/25 09:21 PM EDT
Hey Josh,
Thanks for writing. I have no idea why you'd want to follow me on twitter... Other than, it's sort of fun in a strange way. Hey, record something for my next show and I'll play it! Or, were you thinking of a Skype thing?
posted by: Jake on Thu, 4/26 01:21 AM EDT
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