JNR #136 Three Years of JNR!

Very Special Thanks to:
- Reed Braden from http://twosmokinhotfreethinkers.blogspot.com
- Brandon Clark
- Katie Mitchell
- And YOU, the listener. =)
Read the Ernie blog: http://MyErnieBlog.blogspot.com
Partake in the Erasure Dance with the new remastered Erasure Boxset, spanning more than 23 years of hits!

I would totally buy your guy's book...but I'm cheap so if you could sell if for less than a dollar..jk jk ((You being in your 30's I should include jk= Just Kidding))
Hmm...When Erin gets a chance any sound effect with a Yorkie in it would be halarious....Little sycotic rat dogs.
Congrats on your 3 year!
Doh! I'm supposed to be a editor and I didn't even catch myself. "Psycotic"
Now I am shamed for life...
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